
soleBevevo il vino e mi meravigliavo…il vino è pieno di sole. Viva la gente che sa preparare il vino e, con esso, portare il calore del sole nell’animo della gente – Massimo Gorki

Vineyards surround each side of the farm, historical over-80-years-old Barbera vineyards, Moscato vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay and the Gamba di Pernice, a rare local grape variety that has been replanted to be saved from oblivion.

A winemaker who has been defined by oenological journalism eclectic and ingenious, a fool who will successfully run his enterprise, producing extraordinary wines and yearly managing to create something fresh and original.

Valter Bosticardo

Valter Bosticardo personally follows the whole production cycle of his 5 hectare vineyard, cultivated with great respect for natural environment.

Biological certificate code W686.
